Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Frame Beginnings

I spent time last night sanding all of the frame parts and test fitting them together. Thanks to Thomas' excellent work, most parts only needed light sanding. And everything fit together perfectly. There are some natural holidays between layers in some of the plywood that I need to fill in. Then those will need re-sanding, and I can complete frame assembly. (And update my progress to 2%!) I was very excited to log onto the Droid Registry this morning and update my progress to 1%!

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Frame Arrived!!!

Today I finally received my frame in the mail from The Droid Builder a.k.a. Thomas Clark! It's a wood frame pre-cut to the Senna design, and I can't wait to get started on it! Time for some sanding, gluing and assembly! Work can finally really begin to unfold here. So hopefully I'll have some updates soon on how things are progressing.

Thanks Thomas, everything looks beautiful- can't wait to get started!!