Friday, May 20, 2011

I've had the back door for my droid half built for awhile now, but wasn't quite sure how to go about putting the red of it together since it couldn't be clamped. Today I just dove in and got it done. This meant cutting out a piece of the original frame (seen on the floor) to fit it into place. But once it was done and fitted, I was able to cut out the back door oepning in my rear skins which means I can finally get those mounted, and Whistler's behind won't be hanging out at the con next week. Before I can get the skins mounted I need to get some paint on the rear door frame though, and then we should be good to go.

I'm keeping the rear door in place with a set of three small bungees I had on hand hooked into 6 medium sized screw eyes. I figure I can relocate these as needed when I get internals in later.

My gas pipe with flanges test fit. 1 1/4" galvanized water pipe (16" length) and 1" galvanized water pipe (14" length) with appropriate flanges, and a U bolt to help things stay in place once everything is in and set. (Overall gas pipe and flange length is the recommended 19")

Finally got my center leg assembled today as well, and the lower inner portion of the other two legs on. I still need to get the shoulder mounts set in the right place and attached. I'm hoping for a first coat of primer after some sanding to get done before going to this con.. but there's a lot to get done on this boy still! I need to build some temporary feet to put his temp wheels (two large fixed, and one swivel for the center with a brake lock on it) on as well so that he's somewhat mobile, and will be easier to move around at/to/from the con.So much to do, and so little time! I'll try to continue with the updates as I go!

1 comment:

  1. Also since my last posting, I have fit most of the vents and sockets into place. I don't have all of them, but the ones that I do have are taped in place. :) I'll try to get a pic to post showing them next time.
